re-conditioned my old tank


New member
Gentleman & Ladies, I have an older 65g shallow cube tank that has been sitting around in my dinning room for the past 4 years to my wife's dismay. So, I decided to recondition her, and re-purpose her with a new look.

She is made of ultra clear glass, and has an oak stand. Its a very old look with clear silicone and red oak stain. She has bar epoxy on the inside of the stand and on top. Also I am using 1 inch foam insulation to protect the bottom of the tank.

So I scrapped all the old silicone off the inside of the tank, then used acetone to remove the excess residue.

Then I used black silicone to re-seal the seams, and affix the black acrylic overflow to the glass overflow in the back of the tank.

This is the silicone I used:

I have since the pics, removed the doors, sanded and primed, them. I will be using Marine Topside paint to paint the stand bright glass white.

This is the paint

As you may have guessed Im going for that new RedSea/Elos look with an old tank.

Let me know your thoughts and concerns



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I would just test fill it with some water outside and let it sit for several days. This will give you time to ensure it doesn't have leaks or issues before getting too far into the build and having a disaster.
Not a bad idea. I'll test fill it when comes closer finishing the paint. The stand is being repainted and I bought some new gear. IceCap K2 120, and IceCap 24 Sump.
I think that's going to turn out really nice.

Is it that simple to re-seal a tank? I have a couple tanks sitting around at home and I have never started them up again out of fear they will spring a leak. One 55 I was thinking of building into a sump for a larger tank build, but just don't trust it over the long run.
Gentleman & Ladies, I have an older 65g shallow cube tank that has been sitting around in my dinning room for the past 4 years to my wife's dismay. So, I decided to recondition her, and re-purpose her with a new look.

None of my attempts to re-purpose my wife ever worked out well.
I think that's going to turn out really nice.

Is it that simple to re-seal a tank? I have a couple tanks sitting around at home and I have never started them up again out of fear they will spring a leak. One 55 I was thinking of building into a sump for a larger tank build, but just don't trust it over the long run.

I watched couple of youtube videos on reconditioning a tank, and read some forums, here and other sites. I didn't remove all the silicone, just the inside silicone. I basically wanted to help reseal the inside. I will water test this thing, no way am I stocking it, then discovering a boo boo.

If it all goes kablowey, then ZI will just buy a Redsea or Elos and call it a day. I have gotten years of use out of this tank so not worried.