RE: Leather


New member
RE: Leather

I still have my yellow leather in my tank with sps. I;ve had some real problems such as RTN, bleaching slow grow and poor colors. Could this be from chemicals from the leather??
possibly... how close is the leather to the afflicted corals? (can still be a problem even if on the other side of the tank)

do you run carbon and keep it changed out frequently?
Yes, I just changed it I run it passively in the sump. I also skim 24/7. I recently discovered nitrates about 10ppm. done a 25% water change but that didn't effect the level. The leather is about 8-10in. from the nearest sps.
Because you're running carbon, and because I keep all the different corals (SPS, LPS, softies, anemones, you name it) in one tank without issues, I would say any problems are coming from something other than chemical warfare. IMO/E, the warfare between soft corals and hard corals is really overplayed. Certainly, they all compete, but I've found that hard corals can have as much of an effect on other hard corals as soft corals (with some exceptions, of course).
OK. Thanks thats what I needed to hear. I mistakingly used a peice of ABS pipe fitting in my sump! I didn't know about the anti-fugal properties this pipe contains. A week after using this I began to to signs of trouble. I tested for Nitrates which I never have and discovered 10ppm! Strange. I removed the fitting and done several water changes and relaced the carbon. Its up and down, one day the coals look better the next day not.