Recent A. maryae influx?


In Memoriam
I have noticed a recent influx of these corals and I was wondering if anyone else has too (that doesn't live in MN). I see them in peoples tnks, the distributor had two and even RM has one for sale as a false purple monster. Super cool corals, but they seemed to have popper out of no where (actually they popper out of the Solomon Islands, but you know what I mean;)0
According to Veron they can be found only in the Red Sea.

By the way in the Red Sea I see them at 20-35 meters deep, this is for those of you who are thinking of blasting them with the 400 watters 10KK.;)
Thanks vili, I recently purchased one and couldn't find any information on depth/light requirements. Much Appreciated!
You're very welcome.
Im refering the Red Sea ones that I see often while diving , I doubt your colony is from the Red Sea, it does look very similar though. (at least the one that RM have under A.maryae)
I just dont want to mislead you.
Villi, i think the ones from Solomons are collected much shallower. With their avalibility, I can't see the divers going down 100 ft to get these on a consistent basis. FWIW, i saw similar shaped A. Rosaria in Tonga at about 10-15m.
