Recharging DI resin


New member
read the article above and tell me if yall think this might be a service the club could offer.
Speaking of services... where are the phyto reactors at?

Anyway, the DI resin is recharged using strong acids and bases that can be bought at the local hardware store. Pennys on the dollar and your RO/DI filter is back in business :)
I read that article a couple of months ago and thought the same thing. So, I'm definitely interested.
I know my problem is I have always thrown out my resin so I've only got the one cannister attached to my filter. If enough if us go in together on this it'll really work out cheap.
What i'm thinking is everyone pool their old resin (I should think most of us use AirWaterIce so we'll have the nuclear green media). We all chip in and buy a big bag of media at AirWaterIce and refill our cannisters. Now we should have a large pool to work from doing this so at a meeting everyone will exchange their used media for new/refreshed media. Sounds solid to me.
Any takers?