DI resin spent too fast?

Mine too Doug. I run for 6 months before switching out pre-filters- which equates to around 1100 gallons of water produced (5000 gallons through the filter?) and they are still white - maybe a little cloudy water in the sediment filter - but still white.

Maybe your using low quality water softener salt? Some of the salt I picked up from Home Depot was bad stuff. Big crystals - was supposed to be iron removing - but the stuff looked like it had rust in it. Now I only use small crystal salt from Ace hardware.
Chris, you've got naaasty water. They make you pay for that? My sediment cartridges are white when I change them after 1500 gal of product water, 6000 gal +/- total water - and I'm on a shallow well. Must be something to be said for sand filtration...
Sediment filter is on a 30day schedule

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