Recommend intensity for light


New member
I have a red sea reefer 170 and recently got a radion xp30 pro to try and future proof my aquarium. I am have difficulty trying to find the right intensity and schedule for i have a zoa, monti, and gsp colony in, as well as a small acan and ducan frag. However i moved them to a small nano tank with a light i know will be fine for them after a saw them start to bleach. I try to move things around but no luck. I would appreciate any info on a lighting profile as well as any coral place me suggestions, thanks

Tank size 24"-20"-20"
A Radion XR30 Pro is A LOT of light for that tank. Raise the light above the tank a way and then start with your intensity at about 10%. None of the corals you have are super light demanding, so lower light will be fine. You can slowly increase the intensity until it is where you want it to be. By slowly I mean a few percent every couple weeks. It is better to give a little less light than desired, than to shock (bleach) corals with too much light.