Reconfiguration of CoralVue's product lines


Premium Aquatics Liaison
RC Sponsor
This is the official chart, direct from CoralVue. As soon as I was cleared to share it, I did! There are many changes listed here, so I thought I would post this as soon as possible to clear up any confusion I could as early as possible, and to let you all get a look at what's coming.
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They actually only keep lines that people buy!

Many of the lines are 'responses' to other companies' advances in the field, and several are 'specialty' models designed for space saving. They do R&D based on feedback and real-world testing, and produce lines to meet specific demands within the hobby.

I agree that they could offer less variety and still meet the needs of 90% of all reefers, but CoralVue has always tried to be as full-service as possible when it comes to meeting customer demands for product, in all of their various lines.