Recovery of receeding/ base bleaching corals


New member
I have a fairly new tank that went through a small ammonia spike last week when a coral RTN'd on me. Currently the ammonia is testing at about 0-0.01 which is very low/ nil, so it looks like i'm out of the woods after 4-5 days of 1g water changes on my 12g tank. However, a few of the corals that were added before this event are showing some tissue recession/ bleaching around the base/ portion that was glued/epoxied.

So, I guess what i'm wondering is if I should just leave them be and hope they recover or if there is some further action I need to take. Corals are all showing great polyp extention.

Corals doing fine seem to be Montipora digi, some unknown sps, and pavona. Corals receeding are two acros and a pocillipora.

Alk is being kept at 3.8meq/L, Calcium is pretty high, somewhere in the 450ppm range, pH varies between ~8.1 during the day to ~8.0 at night. Salinity is being kept between 1.0255-1.0265. Nitrite 0, Nitrate ~1ppm by Seachem kit. I have tried the Salifert Phosphate kit twice, once in regular, once sensitive, and I just can't tell the difference between the colors so Phosphate anywhere between .03-.25ppm (useless kit!)

I am still doing 1gal/day water changes on the tank. I don't have any phosphate removing media, I can order it but it wouldn't get here 'til Monday. I am running GAC 24/7.

Anyone who has gone through a similar event, please comment on helping corals recover from this kind of stress.

I have a couple corals that are STN ing at the bottom of the corals one is a monti the other is a green ghost any ideas how to stop this PM me i dont want to hijack this thread
Disclaimer : I'm no expert, but I think I have read threads here where people have used superglue to stop rtn from the dead skeleton up onto the living tissue slightly. Also have read of people just fragging just ahead of the rtn and remounting. I have one acro doing the same so hopefully someone more experienced will chime in with what has worked for them.
If it's continuing, after water parameters are first rate, I'd frag. If it totally stops, you won't lose anything by waiting to see if there's regrowth. Particularly the poci is capable of recovering damaged bits. Fragging is not hard, however, but the poci is, I'm told, hard coral, and may shatter. A dremel with a cutting disk is a good one for this one, instead of shears, but you have to cut in an area of good tissue so as not to carry the problem into the frag.
acros are encrusting corals and new growth generally starts at the base and then fromthe tips..base bleaching is a good sign that your acros are NOT happy with the chemistry o fthe tank,,to save a coral it is best to frag and remount to monitor if they start to encrust at the bas first..
Well, after posting this and seeing the other side of the pocillipora where the pump was hitting fairly hard I decided to move it. I have it glued to a rock and placed on the sandbed. I am monitoring it, most of the coral looks good, but this one face is looking bad. I will just wait and see.

The other two corals have made no further progress either way, they seem to be holding at this point, no further recession or growth.

I'm in wait and see mode at this point. I'll update in a week.

if it is rtn then try fraging at the farthest postion and pray. but if it is like white line just a slow progression from the bottom just go over the dead part and a little of the health tissue with super glue gel. This has worked for me. Or what else has worked is just move the coral to a different tank if possible this seams to shock what ever is causing the death and this may stop it.