Red algae growing on/near my Seriatopora


New member
Well this algae is in isolated spots in my tank, but nothing eats it and it is impossible to remove. It seems to be encroach on my Tyree Ponape Seriatopora, and I cant even pull the stuff off with tweezers.

Does anyone know what it is and where I can get more info on it? This stuff is really annoying and even grows into the sand.

Heres a pic:

It is more of a deep maroon color than this pic (can't get the white balance right). Thanks!
I used to have it, and I bought a lawnmower blenny, and he does eat it, I eventually had to get 2 more as my tank was too big for 1 guy to manage the algae, but between the 3 of them they eventually ate it out of existance. Dont know what it was, though.
Yeah it is a weird algae though, it forms a very thick mat and I really can't remove it manually at all. I'll see if anyone else had luck with a blenny.
I had some of that once and the only way I could get rid of it was to pull out therock and chisel it off. It's a pretty invasive species that you don't want in your tank. WIsh I could remember what it was called.
Well I figured it out. Someone (can't remember where) mentioned that Mexican Turbo snails eat this. Well turns out they do. I got a couple last weekend and I've noticed that the patches are clipped real close to the liverock surface now and the newer "redder" growth is gone. I actually had to frag that ponape birdsnest since it was so invasive, but I got two frags to live.
Yeah foxfaces are the garbage-disposals of saltwater tanks ;)

But the turbos are working out great and I didn't want to stunt the growth of a foxface in just a 29g. Once the algae is under control, I'll toss one of the turbos into the 90g so it has enough food.