Red bug id

My sps haven't been looking good and noticed when i zoomed in with camera theses tiny things moving around on some of my sps but not all. Is this red bugs and if so how do i get rid of them without removing the rocks. I have too many sps on huge rock.


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I would recommend that you find a good picture of Redbugs on Google images, for example one taken with a macro lens and comparing it to what you have. You'll probably need some sort of magnification to be sure.

Red bugs usually have a tiny red dot around the head area that is pretty hard to miss. Good luck.
Here is the package. Anyone know if it will work?


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I got the interceptor treatment going and after a few hours i already see the red bugs dying. I also see some hermit crabs dying. My question is after all the treatments,how to i keep from getting red bugs again when i put in new crabs?
I got the interceptor treatment going and after a few hours i already see the red bugs dying. I also see some hermit crabs dying. My question is after all the treatments,how to i keep from getting red bugs again when i put in new crabs?

Poor hermit crabs. It's not that hard to remove them.
Why would you be worried about getting red bugs from adding new crabs? Did you mean coral?

There is no dip that's 100% effective on red bugs but Bayer is most effective by far. There is a dip made with the ingredients of Interceptor though. Not sure how well it works for short dips though, might need a long bath to kill them.
After red bug treatment with interceptor everything looks good. Lost my blue hermits. My cleaner shrimp survived. My coral are starting to look a lot better. You can see in the pic the sps that was infested ,the polyps are starting to come out again. By the way,does anyone know what this sps is?


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