posted this is another forum but no response...figured sps keepers deal with red bugs more then nebdy....
i have two emerald crabs in my 29 gal which has no corals, besides a tube coral on a peice of live rock i bought...when i look at my biggest crab i see little red bugs crawling all over him...i've never dealt with red bugs and was wondering if they can be present when there is no corals to feed on??
but i did buy the crab from a tank in the lfs that had sps corals and clams in with it..jw if they could have been from that
i have two emerald crabs in my 29 gal which has no corals, besides a tube coral on a peice of live rock i bought...when i look at my biggest crab i see little red bugs crawling all over him...i've never dealt with red bugs and was wondering if they can be present when there is no corals to feed on??
but i did buy the crab from a tank in the lfs that had sps corals and clams in with it..jw if they could have been from that