Red bugs?


Premium Member
I usually search threads for my info but today I cannot seem to get search to work. I typically never read red bug threads because I never seemed to have any. Well, that might have changed.

A few months back I got what the guy called a "green tort" from his personal tank. There were two frags pieces. I noticed today that there are little what look like tiny orange/red sugar ants but about 5 times smaller. I can see them move across the frag surface. You can even see what looks like a black pinpoint for a head. Are these red bugs?

The two frags never have done well. All my other corals are doing great. I do not see red bug on any other coral.
sounds like a good description... they can spread quite rapidly. IMO, if you are able to remove the frags, do so and treat the frags with a dip in order to rid yourself of any further infestation(s).
If the frags have been in your tank for months and you have other Acros you allmost positively have red bugs elsewhere(if that's what you have and it sounds like you do). IMO once you have verified the ID with pics(lots of threads when the search starts working for you again) treat the tank with Dustins method, treat/QT all incomming frags from now on and never look back. You might want to also include Acro eating flatwork prevention in your Dip/QT proceedures. Getting rid of those isn't nearly as cut and dry and getting rid of red bugs. Here is the treatment:
good luck, Chris