Red candy apple ZOA's not colourful


New member
How come my red candy apple does aren't as bright and rainbow like as others I have them under led but there colouration isn't worth the money I paid for them uploadfromtaptalk1394489830325.jpg
Well this is just one polyp.
It looks like CAR but wait until it acclimatizes first and starts to grow first.
Good luck with it.
What's CAR is it candy apple reds?? And yeh the green and orange is showing but the red and purple isn't tbf it has only been in my tank for a few days how long does it take until they grow??
Give it a little time. I have some sunny ds that were under waaay too much light and the skirts were the palest lavender you could imagine. Once I got them into the proper light they darkened up to a nice violet. Same story with some blue irises that did not have enough light before I got them, they were pretty colorless. Now they are very vivid. Sometimes it takes a little bit to reach their potential.
They take a little while to adjust to the new environment... Mine like higher lighting and got more colorful since being moved to high light...
samr here, I have my zoas at multiple levels based on color and just testing what they like, my sunny D's are half way up my rockscape and are super bright orange, I also feed them roti mixed with reef chilli a cpl times a week.

My mowhawks seem to like a tiny bit less light, the fire an ice like a bit more, eagle and dragons eyes seem very happy on the sand bed so just give them a week or two and you can try moving them up a bit if you are starting them on the bed. feeding a little cant hurt either.
Placement might be it. I have 2 different frags on my sandbed. One is small polyps that are super colorful like when people post bowser pics colorful, and the other looks crappy. I would say the nice looking ones like their location but the others are going to get placed higher up and see if they color up. Give yours a week or more to adjust to your tank/lighting, then move up as needed.
I have mine low down but in the led spotlight, lighting isn't a problem I have a 27w par 38 just under a foot above the tank I will see if it colours up in the next month if not I will move it around, one of my other frags has already grown a baby ;D
Just like every1 else have mentioned give them some time and move them up a little. I have my CAR's at sps level and man do they glow.
Yep, give it some time. It will adapt to the system.
Avoid moving it too much.
Keep tank stable and a good maintenance schedule.
Feed small amounts of particle coral food, twice a month to help out colors.
Tiny is good. Like Coral Frenzy.
