Red colour - how to keep


New member
I dont seem to have a problem with purple, blue and green colouration, just red. I struggle to keep the colour of sylo, pocci and what i think is a prostata(spelling?)

Is there a secret to keeping a good red or pink colour, such as lighting or other parameter?
I've never used the stuff, but on the Zeo product line they have a product that is specifically for the coloration of many of the corals you just listed. Might be worth looking into.
what color temp. bulbs are you using? 20K metal halides generally keep the deep blue and purple colors, but you might want to look into a bulb with more red in the spectrum such as a 6500K. some 10K MH's may be able to keep the pink/red colors as well...
I have used various bulbs from BLV 10,000K 250W DE and for the past 6 months 2 x BLV 14,000K + 1 Phoenix, now i have just switched to all Phoenix as i was not happy with the BLV 14000 K's after about 6 months use
I keep pinks and red very well in my tank...I don't know why though(pics in gallery).

My po4 is .02 on a hanna meter, nitrates undectable, alk at 9dkh, cal 400ppm, MG 1300ppm.

I have a 120G with 21 fish and feed heavily :) I am also running 10k BLV's My guess is that they need more feeding (excess fish food in my case) than other SPS while still maintaing a low nutrient environment.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6744072#post6744072 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jhammond
A little off topic, but what didn't you like about the 14K BLV's?

Ya, I was wondering the same thing.
i have a red stag at home tht is kept under 10kXMs, but if given too much light it will turn green and when kept in a conner to give it less light it will color up red. Go figure.
i think red corals need more of a red light spectrum.. red light penetrates water the least, so id try keeping it at the top of the tank..
I've always had troubles with reds too.:( I've had red acros (moslty millepora/prostrata) under 6.5k, 10k, 14k, and 20k all with VHO actinic and I just haven't been able to keep the originaly intensity of red that the coral comes in. I've also had a similar issue with pinks but they don't tend to lose their pink intensity quite as much as the reds.