Red Dragon bleached overnight


New member
I have a red dragon frag that has been in the tank about three weeks. It had grown about 20% and was seemingly doing fine. I just looked at the tank for the first time today to feed the fish, and the whole thing is white. My other sps (cali tort, green birdsnest, red planet, pink lemonade, green monti cap) in the tank all seem totally fine. I was planning on doing some testing tonight but I don't expect anything weird and everything was great three days ago. The only thing I can figure is I dosed some trace elements last night and aminos Friday night but that's not the first time I have dosed those with that coral in the tank, and I only gave 2/3 dose.

Any ideas as to what may have happened? Is the red dragon a really sensitive coral? Should I remove it or could it still be alive?

I never remove them until they get covered in algae. I have a coral that went pure white, but is starting to color back up.
My current parameters;

PH - 8.2
Salinity - 1.0255
Nitrate - 5-6
Phosphate - Undetectable (although there is a very, very small amount of turf algae in the tank)
Cal - 390-400
Alk - 7.7
Mag - 1300

I guess my calcium is a touch low, was 415 on Sunday after water change, but the test kits aren't 100% every time either. I doubt slightly low calcium would ghost a coral?