Red saddles (fire) clowns


New member
I'm looking at a couple of fire clowns at the LFS that have been there for about a month. They are next to each other in a couple of acrylic cubicles and don't show signs of any aggression. As a matter of fact, they stay close to each other. I would like to pair them up, but they are pretty close in size. The LFS employee moved them to a larger cubicle together at my request and they did not appear to fight at all. They were both aggressive to the Tomato that they could now see in the next stall but not to each other at all. Is this a good sign for pairing? Anyone with experience with pairing red saddles?
off topic.. sorta. I dont have exp. with saddles. But my LFS had 2 maroon clowns together in a 15 gal cube. he said they were in there for 2 weeks. they showed no aggression, even when fed.

I bought them both, they were about the same size. As soon as they were put in my fishless tank, the ever slightly larger one became a demon. all her life consisted of for a week was tormenting and shreding the little guy. I tried taking her out for a week, letting little guy adjust and starting over. no deals. i had to return him to the store. so now im stuck on how im ever gonna get another fish in my 55 gal tank. shes so mean..
fire clowns are cool, I had one for years, she was evil though. If they are not showing any aggresion towards each other then I would say try it. You will know in a day or two if it is not going to work.
I have them in QT now and they seem to be fine with each other. One is appearing to be more dominant than the other and hopefully they are pairing. I will try to get some pictures soon.