Red Sea 3XL 900 build finally done cycling.


I've been patiently waiting to post pictures of this till after the cycling was complete and the water levels were stable. This will be a mixed reef with mostly SPS.

I already have a few fish in QT ready to go. Skimmer has been pumping out what you see in the cup each week. I'm surprised its that full & that black each week having nothing in the tank. I went with three of the NICREW 150W lights. I was thinking 4, but decided to stick with 3 and see how they did. Skimmer is the Regal 250-S. Duel EcoTech Vectra M2 return pumps. AQUA 57watt UV & both carbon and GFO reactors (which I installed after the pictures were taken). 3 3400GPH wave makers. I used the side tank for mangroves and might had a small frag section down the road.
Nice starting. Lot of hidding places for fishes. I personaly dont like too many rocks that fishes cant swimm
freely especially with teritorial zone jumping over them and rocks by side :) When i asked for live rocks to shop
in Slovenia the told me ah you need to buy for 2500 euro rocks hahahaha I reply sorry im not filling tank with
100 kg of rocks but lot of space for fishes and invertebrates not so much corals what grow will grow...
and on bottom purchased 40 kg of BAli white sand. You choose more dark botom. Nice.
Now proper maintenance and soon to get first fishes we are waiting photos :)
Sounds like the cycle is complete. Nitrates are a tad low for corals but, that will change when you add fish and start feeding them.