Red Sea or Great Barrier Reef for next scuba trip


New member
Just got back from FIJI and am looking into our next trip Aug 2010. I am deciding between the red sea or the GBR. Any suggestions??

Are your only two options the Red Sea or GBR?
If you are only choosing between these 2, most definitely go with the Red Sea. I would dive the southern part of Egypt/Red Sea, namely the dive sites named "The Brothers" and "Ephistone". These areas are also known for oceanic-white-tip shark encounters. Most of the dive sites in the northern Red Sea are completely over-run by tourists...
That will depend on the area, there are parts of the GBR that are beautiful too, especially the outer GBR and the Coral Sea. Having said that, I think the Red Sea would be more exciting because it's fauna is very different, and the fauna from the GBR is almost the same as Fiji.