Red Sea Ozonizer


Life Long Reefer
Premium Member
Well I had a major problem 2 weeks ago. I lost power for about 12 hours. It was overnight and I lost about 8 fish before I could get my generator up.
I did a few water changes for the next 3 days and heavy skimming. I could not get my ozonizer to bring my readings up. I waited another week to try it again and its starting to work but very very slowly. Is this normal? Its the deluxe unit. aquazone deluxe 100.

thanks Jay
Take a whiff at the end of the ozone tube and see if you still get that ozone smell. A power outage shouldn't have hurt the unit. ORP is a strange parameter and not fully understood. I could easily believe that losing several animals could substantially drop ORP for a while.
I woke up this morning and its climbing its over 300 now. it must be working thanks:)
Red Sea Repairs

Red Sea Repairs

Does anybody have a clue as to how to get one of these repaired?? I have a 200PLUS Delux model. I had a local electronics whizkid replacea blown transistor but the unit still produces no ozone. I tried to contact the outfit in texas........not much help there for any major repairs.
Anybody got any ideas. These are pretty pricey units to keep laying around without a place to get them repaired.

Any help appreciated

I thought red sea could repair the units, though you'd have to pay for it if it's out of waranty. is the site to check out. Other than that, I don't know. Corona discharge ozonizers are also used for some other applications, though I can't think of what right now. Maybe you could find an electrician that knows how to do it. Best of luck!
My ozonizer went bad while under warranty. Icontacted them and they replaced it with a new one.
I am sure they have a service they can provied but I would not tell them you had someone do repairs on it.
I spoke to Pinky at red Sea. She was help full.