Red Sea rsk300 skimmer


New member
Hi reefers
Could anyone help me out tuning the above skimmer? No matter what depth I put it in I can’t get the skimate to collect in the cup
I'm not familiar with this skimmer. Could you post some pictures to show how you have it set up?
Hi griss thanks for the reply
Skimmer is on a reefer 250 sump depth is 8 ins hope these help👍


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It looks to me, the water/foam level in the skimmer is good. What inhabitants do you have in the tank and how often do you feed?
I’m feeding once a day brine shrimp and a little flake
Softies coral wise lipstick tang pair of clowns two cardinals flame angel three green chromis six damsels two for shrimps verious snails
The actual foam head is pretty thin so it probably needs to break in more. I would drop the head down to the bottom of the red band in the mean time and it will likely make some thicker foam that will push up the neck..