Red Sea Wavemaker

No, it will damage the pumps and they will start to run backwards or not at all. They should not be switched more often than once every 15 minutes.
Nano stream 6045

Nano stream 6045

Is there anything on the market that could turn them on & off within the 15 min time frame.


It is far from ideal, while it would work, I would regard it as a short term solution, it is hard on the pump and not really to be recommended. If this was for a week or two while a new controller was coming in that is made for controllable DC pumps that is about the only scenario I would do this under. The switching time is rapid and the cycling is harsh and especially hard on the power supplies.
Also, that is assuming you meant 6105 and not 6015, 6015 absolutely will be destroyed on a wavemaker and it voids the warranty.