Red Slime Algae


New member
Just curious if anyone has any experience with red slime algae. I recently bought a product called red slime remover by Ultra Life Reef Products. After using it, I was amazed that it cured my tank of the red slime that has been plaguing my tank.

My question is, how long does it take before my skimmer starts to work normal again? Its been 2 weeks now and it still doesn't work normally. Within those 2 weeks, I've change out 40 gallons each week on my 150 gal tank.

If anyone has any insight, please let me know. I would like to thank you in advance for your reply.
Sorry forgot the search function blows here, your best bet is to run some carbon to get that stuff out of your water. All it is doing is masking the real problem, how old is your tank also?
I've had this setup for 2 years now. my setup consist of a 60 gal sump, 180 lbs of live rock, asm g3 skimmer and 4 96 watt pc lights. I've never used carbon in my tank as I normally change 40 gals of water every 2 weeks. I have 16 small fishes and 8 pieces of soft coral. How do you think the problem of red algae might of occured? Or what prevention measures can I take so I don't have this problem in the future? Thanks for your info.
it takes a few weeks.. don't worry about taking the red slime remover all out... just do water changes as normal skimmer will be back up in a few weeks.