The Saltwater Kid
New member
My Yellow Coris Wrasse has a red spot on his body right in the middle part. It shows on both sides but definitely more on his right side. It looks like he's bleeding internally. He has also started doing a full body twitch at times for no apparent reason but many wrasse owners have told me that their's do that too so I'm not as concerned about that issue as the red spot. I don't want it to spread to my other 3 fish if it's contagious but how would i catch my Wrasse if need be without tearing apart my tank and causing extreme stress to the rest of my tank inhabitants? I did notice up to my LFS where i bought him that another YCW that mine was sharing a tank with had died and had a red spot on his side in the exact same place...this could be coincidence but it has me wondering now that I noticed mine with the same red spot!