Red Spot on Yellow Coris Wrasse

My Yellow Coris Wrasse has a red spot on his body right in the middle part. It shows on both sides but definitely more on his right side. It looks like he's bleeding internally. He has also started doing a full body twitch at times for no apparent reason but many wrasse owners have told me that their's do that too so I'm not as concerned about that issue as the red spot. I don't want it to spread to my other 3 fish if it's contagious but how would i catch my Wrasse if need be without tearing apart my tank and causing extreme stress to the rest of my tank inhabitants? I did notice up to my LFS where i bought him that another YCW that mine was sharing a tank with had died and had a red spot on his side in the exact same place...this could be coincidence but it has me wondering now that I noticed mine with the same red spot!
It's hard for me to believe that no one in this disease section of RC knows about this ailment or has been through this with one of their own wrasses!!! BUMP
bump is just a messageboard thing...something to get your post back at the top of the page so it doesn't get buried under newer posts in hopes somebody will reply.
Gotcha....Does it look like a hole or "on top" of the body? Is there a lion or foxface in with it or anything with venomous spines? Amybe got stung if it's a hole & you noticed twitching if theres a venomous fish in there in the small confines of a 29gal. Any fungus growing on it since?
Nope, honestly the red spot looks like it's inside...looks like internal bleeding. No fungus or exterior looking damage. No venomous tankmates. Honestly the wrasse seems healthy, is swimming well and very active (aparently the twitching is normal as it doesn't happen all the time and is mostly when he swims into the high flow area of my powerheads) and definitely eats well! I just don't know what the red spot is, it wasn't there the first week i had him and just appeared about 3 or 4 days ago.
Tonight when I looked at him he appears to be getting better. The red spot has turned more of a brownish color then the bright red it was and it's definitely faded/shrunken. Is this good news I hope???
could it have been a wound from maybe a hitchhicker crab or a mantis shrimp hiding in your rock? I saw a picture posted somewhere on reef central about a wrasse that had a big wound on his back from a crab.

Just a thought.
nope, none that I've noticed. I've never seen or heard a mantis shrimp or any other hitchiker crab...just what I've put in there. Plus I have 3 other fish in there and if I had something like that i would assume at least one other fish would have been attacked. Also about 2 months ago my tank crashed (thanks to chemi-clean but that's another story) and killed 80% of my livestock including most snails and shrimp so I don't think a mantis would have survived but like i said I am sure he would have attacked one of the other smaller fish by now if I had one but they're fine.
spots on coris wrasse

spots on coris wrasse

My yellow coris wrasse also appears to have internal bleeding visible from both sides but mainly from right side midway down body. I have observed this happen 3 times over the period of a few months, the bleeding actually began again 3 hours ago. It only occurs within 24 hours of me adding kent dKH buffer to the water. I have also noticed that his black spot on his back fin appears to become slightly more white than usual. In 2 of the cases he returns to normal within 48 hours and he is now already showing signs of healing. Hope this helps


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Ours often had that when he was new & constantly battling with his rival (his reflection). In ours, it was a bruise.