Red tree sponge


New member
I bought a red tree sponge 2 weeks ago and it's some of its red color is turning clear.


SG 1.023
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
Alk 2.3
Ph 8.2

It's under high flow and 2.5 watts per gallon PC lighting. I dose with phytoplankton daily and never exposed to air.

What is wrong with it?
what size tank? loosing color could be from to much light (more of a shock from the increased intensity). phosphates will ruin stony corals but i dont know about sponges. i think sponges eat phyto plankton, are you feeding the tank?

i dont know much about sponges, but i came up with these thoughts that you could look into.
What size tank? When you purchased or brought home, was it ever exposed to air? Air will slowly kill a sponge or parts of it. And finally, sponges are filter feeders of the sorts. As far as I know, they will get what they need from what's in the tank. Perhaps someone else can shed even more light. Good Luck!:)

Afterthought update; Sponges do not require a lot of light, but I dont know if they can die from too much of it. Usually, but not always,when a sponge starts to die, it is usually doomed. I hope yours is not. Sorry:(