red turf algae


New member
Was wondering if anyone finds this turf algae a problem or is it actually a good thing. Seems that after a recent addition to the tank, I have now about three areas growing a pretty tough mat on the rocks. It is actually a nice color of red but dont want it to start taking over spots for the coraline to grow. Is there any need for concern?? Doesnt seem any of the snails, hermits, or tangs want anything to do with it.
I have a wiry, red, low-growing turf algae in my tank that came in on rock and has spread pretty freely. It grows in both full light and indirect light. It prefers areas with stronger current. My tuxedo urchin will sometimes graze a patch of it if it is short enough, maybe as salad to go with its coraline, maybe just to get at the coraline under it. In my opinion it is a good thing but I keep other plants in my tank, so it has competition for nutrients and that may keep it controlled in my tank.

As far as long-term control, i don't know. I think at some point I'll add a small Diadema (sp?) urchin to the tank. Diademas are suppose to mow through just about everything, including stuff you'd rather keep like the nicer coralines, seagrasses - everything.

Anyway, IME if we are talking about the same turf, a tuxedo urchin will slow it's advance. Once it gets thick, I don't know what will eat it.