Reef aquarium build for a college


New member
I hope I have the right forum for this discussion. If not, feel free to move it to a more proper forum. These questions are asked from an ethically responsible standpoint.

I may have the opportunity to present small lecture on the educational incentive offered by the possible addition of a 90 gallon mixed reef. I will supply the college with the tank, stand, and all maintenance and labor until I graduate in 2014. I attend Northland College in Ashland, WI, a liberal arts college right on Lake Superior; pretty much as far away from coral reefs as one can get with a few exceptions. What I intend for this reef is to educate the future graduates on the fragility of coral reefs in a hands on manner. Once they get a feel for the requirements of a captive reef, they may better appreciate the fragility of native reefs.

The tank will house only captive-bred specimens. I would like the tank to emphasize reef-building corals rather than a soft coral display. My aim would be to replicate the coral diversity found on a native reef, albeit with intermixed species of different locales. I may limit the fish selection to a pair of clowns with host anemone for bio-load purposes.

The aquarium may also be run partially off of the school's solar and wind power grid which keeps the carbon footprint much lower overall.

I have learned so much from the plethora of anecdotal data and observations from you, ReefCentral members. It is because of all you posters that I have acquired the knowledge to have a beautiful tank and to be able to offer such services to the college I love.

-Do you see this possible setup as educational? If not, how may it be tailored to be so?
-Can this reef serve it's purpose while still being cost efficient?
-What do you think this tank's overall message to the school will be?

I would appreciate an educated response on this proposal, be it positive or negative. Thank you! :fish1:
I have a few thoughts:

I don't know how the experience could not be educational. Everyone that visits our house always wants to look at, and ask questions about the tank. The sheer beauty of the life is enough to gather interest. In a learning setting, especially if they are participating in the upkeep, there is much to offer; art, chemistry, physics come to mind immediatly. Just trying to keep it off the grid as much as possible should draw another interest into the fold. I also don't believe people will appreciate, and be compelled to preserve something they can't understand. How else are landlocked people to comprehend the diversity of reef life up close except in aquaria? I applaud your effort, and wish you the best of luck!
I am very impressed and applaud your effort. I would advise that you not let this become one of those wonderful school projects, that falls into disrepair and is just sad to think about. This has potential to be very dissapointing and a 'good on paper' thing. That being said it also has the ability to become an amazing opportunity and something to be proud, as good as it looks on the drawing board. I may not sound it, but I actually think this is an exceptional idea. I would also advise you set up care-taking and maintenance arrangements for after you leave the college.

Overall, Bravo!
Great for you.
Yes on education.
Yes it will serve a purpose.

Many college students will look at it in between text messages. Not being a jerk but most people will go yeah that is neat and will go on.
Though if you can reach a handful of students it is worth it in my opinion.

Good luck.
Lawrence University in Appleton Wi. had a reef tank in the lobby of one of their buildings. It was maintained by biology students and looked great.

Another college that shall remained unnamed also had a reef tank in the lobby of the science building. It was maintained by the custodial crew and looked terrible. I'm not faulting the staff, they had no clue on how to maintain a tank. I was asked by a Prof I knew to help train staff to maintain the system. Problem was that staff transferred or turned over so there was really no one responsible for the set up long term.
