November 20, 2010 from 1-4pm
Come join us in Charlotte for an exciting presentation by Dana Riddle, one of the most important researchers in our hobby! Dana lives in Hawaii and is able to study coral reefs year round. His lab is set up to examine corals in their natural environment and relate their requirements to artificially-created conditions. He is the author of the book "The Captive Reef" and has over 100 articles published in American and European hobby literature. He has made presentations at many local, regional and national conferences over the years.
Presentation Information
Water Motion in an Aquarium "“ Is it really more important than lighting?
Water motion is an important consideration in aquaria, and especially for reef aquaria. This presentation will report observations of water motion and its effects on photosynthesis in corals (along with some observation of its effects on at least one freshwater plant species). Experiments are under way, so the results will be reported here for the first time.
Water Motion in an Aquarium "“ Is it really more important than lighting?
Water motion is an important consideration in aquaria, and especially for reef aquaria. This presentation will report observations of water motion and its effects on photosynthesis in corals (along with some observation of its effects on at least one freshwater plant species). Experiments are under way, so the results will be reported here for the first time.