Reef Aquarium


New member
Hello! I just moved into the area. I have been successfully keeping Reef Aquariums for the last 18 years. I just published a book entitled Saltwater Aquariums Made Easy, Coveted Saltwater Aquarium Secrets Revealed.

I would love to become an active member of your society not only as a hobbyist, but also as a value added contiubutor as it relates to speaking, donating my time, etc.

I look forward to hearing from someone soon as to how I can participate.

Joe Swipes



Welcome to Delaware!!! It will be pleasure getting to know you. I have just started keeping saltwater tanks about 4 months ago (but had numerous experience with freshwater previously), and probably get a ton of advise from you! The Club's next meeting I believe is Sept 17th, in Newark, at the Newark Library. More info about the club can be found here
You can also PM kaptken as he is the president of the club, really nice guy, and can give you all the info you need. I look forward to meeting you!

I'm gonna have to look for a copy of your book!
Welcome to Delaware. As Andy said out next meeting is in Sept. Will be nice to see you there if you can make it. Our club is small, but a good group of friendly people which is slowly expanding.


PS did you bring many aquariums with you? Or will you be setting up new ones?
Hello Joe, and welcome to Delaware. It's a small state with a small wonder Reef Club. By all means, do drop by our next meeting and meet some of our members. We look forward to meeting you and hearing some of your ideas on reef keeping. costs keep rising and any help on keeping it simple will be a cool welcomed breeze. I think we all believe that keeping the hobby of reefing simple, cost effective and environmental friendly is the wave of the future.

so , we look forward to seeing you at the sept. meeting.
