Reef Cleaner set up


New member
Just set up my 180 w/70 gallon sump. Tank was set up with all dry rock/ 1.5" sand (reef grade sand). It has been running 3 months (1 month w/ fish). Glass holes overflow. Sump has refugium section B/B with rock. No visible algae in the DT and minor visible in sump. 2 GFO reactors set up right now and 1 carbon reactor.

Currently have
1-yellow tang
1- Coral banded shrimp

I want to add a CUC. Just wondering what would be a good CUC? At this time I want to add:

2- Porcelin Crabs
2- Electric Blue crabs
10-15 Snails (for now) 5 for the sump

What would all suggest for balance of CUC. Will have to let tank get more established and add slowly. I do plan to add coral but not sure what I will get as of yet. What is best snail makeup? Really at a lost selecting snails.
