Reef Club Meetings


New member
Well to start off I'm seriously frustrated at the lack of meetings. From now on I will be holding the get to togethers at Fox n Hound every third saturday/sunday of the month. And to start this sunday 1 o'clock at the Fox n Hound. If we get a good steady group showing up then I will move it to my house and hell I might even feed ya guys. Let me know whose going this sunday.
Meetings require activism and desire outside of a pack mentality and both are a bit weak. People need to step up to get things rolling as well as simply go to meetings independent of the attendance of others. We are too small of a group to be sheep waiting for a large flock to feel comfortable at attending.

The F&H will work, but I think of it as a stop gap. The place just isn't that conducive to a productive meeting (imo). Thanks CJ for stepping up to host a meeting in the future :-D My offer at my place is still open for the future if people grow some :P

I THINK I can go this sunday, but I need to check my schedule (which isn't in front of me). I'll get back to you.

To EVERYONE (CJ especially since you will be there for sure), what do you want to accomplish at the Sunday gathering? It is great to meet up and talk, but we really would benefit from direction.
I hear ya pain there heath. I usually dont but am booked this coming two saturdays. And clarifying I will be there this sunday at 1 o clock for the meeting and we will be discussing some reef club issues and getting the ball rolling. Definitely setting up the third sat or sunday of every month as club meeting days and what not. A good schedule is on the club's agenda which I may end up forming it myself if I am the only one who shows up LMAO. And direction of the club should be on the sunday's agenda as well, hope to see people there sunday. Like in the movie 'Field of Dreams' "if i post it they will come"

See yall on sunday then my office on the third weekend of Nov. Should be plenty of time to clean it up and place some chairs down there. lol
Im in for4 this sunday CJ. Hope to meet some of the people from here in person. Ill help i much as i can CJ with ideas and such. Maybe if we get the select few really involved and push for active meetings, others will jump to be involved too.
I figure at least to tie down meetings with a scheduled time so people aint floundering around hoping to get in on one. this way they can schedule as necessary and be active. see ya there ron.


I've tried to point this out before. Meetings for the sake of meetings will fail. Fun & pleasure is what motivates people. Set a schedule, regardless of who can or can't make it, and make sure it's broadcasted well use a face book event calendar, Google group calendar something.

friendship and comradery is what drives attendance. Not the joy of keeping the minutes, accounting of the books, or setting events...all drudgery.

get families involved ASAP. If my kids want to go play with your kids and your wife wants to socialize w/ my wife its MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to SCHEDULE & reserve precious little free time to get together after work and on weekends.

Lastly for premium club membership make it a success by making it exclusive. ( if you want an iphone you pay a premium ) If it does nothing else then group buys and you have to pay annual dues to get invited to the group buy it would be well worth it.

The textbook definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
The problem I see with hobby groups is that hobbies attract a broad spectrum of people who otherwise normally wouldn't associate. It takes strong leadership, activities, meeting places, and agendas that are aggressively inclusive, and avoid things that would be a wedge.

Leadership is obviously going to whomever takes the reigns and does it.

Activities would be things like fragging demos, back stage tours of the city aquarium, tank builds, swap meets.... and every meeting has to include something like that.

Meeting time is also import. Most people have jobs, and most people who have jobs work during the day - but it's not safe to assume that most people work a 9-5 M-F job. Just by looking at successful groups that meet for a variety of reasons the times that seem to work well are mid-week evenings and Sunday post-Church hours.

Meeting place(s) are HUGE. Too many hobby groups meet at churches and bars, both are places that are by their very nature exclusive regardless of membership dues. I would propose that whomever is serious about leading a group contact the city Aquarium and see if, as a group, they could facilitate us once a month or something.... I would gladly pay dues to a club if it included a discounted annual pass to the aquarium. Right now a "Ranger Club" member ship is $150 for 5 people per year and includes the zoo and biopark as well as the Aquarium. I suspect the city would be open to discussion of further discounts for a larger group should one form, and perhaps allow more "one time guest" passes for specific meeting days to encourage new members to join.

Meetings held at members houses don't appeal to everyone. I know I am often uncomfortable in a strangers house, even if I've known them informally via the Internet for years. A more public meeting place is much more inclusive, and as naturally happens in clubs friendships will form, and people will gravitate towards other members residences and tanks as an organic process. I love to show off my tank and get feedback on it, but if it were in my house I wouldn't really want to just invite the public in to show off my tank.

Anyways, that's my 2¢... would love to get involved, but would also like to see something form even if I can't be a part right now.
I know I have been absent lately... my schedule has been insane (built another led setup for someone and install) but I still am interested ..I would love to come do a meeting unfortunately I work weekends ;(

I would love to see all of you again!
glad to see shawn, n eric, and grey (never can remember his name sorry) inputing. I am pushing this thing forward so see ya sunday to those who can make it. if not im sorry your voice will be missed. but I will be setting up a schedule for our meetings so people can see this club move forward. baby steps maybe but its more then what is going on now. So dont be mad dont be sad, dont chat on here and never show up. No excuses. I completely understand to those that work on the weekends and feel your pain. That is one of the things we will be discussing on sunday so those who are truly interested can have their input and involvement as well. something crazy like a evening weekday meeting time. I highly encourage those who want to be involved to PM your ideas or post em here I will bring them up even if your absent. And I am still planning on holding the Nov. meeting at my house. where our 'structure' talks will take place, likely the 20th or the weekend before. No more standbys or looky loos to see how many people will show up. Call me crazy or pushy but im pushing this club along. Lets see how many people show up or jump in on this crazy train. See yall there
i agree with a little of everyones ideas and concerns. CJ thanks for pushing a little bit , sometimes it just takes somebody to do a little pushing to get the boulder rolling down the mountain to make the avalanche. i will be involved as much as possilble and i hope everyone thats really intested will also. i do agree with trying to find a meeting place to hold most of the regular get togethers. it is alittle uncomfortable at someone home if your not already a friend of that person. the aquqrium would be a terrific idea if we can swing it. if we could get really tight at the aquarium maybe even a behind the scene tour could be a yearly event for us. CJ if your up for it i will be your second in the push for more effort and encouragement for a club that could really show what kind of oceans we can have in the desert. just as CJ said please lets us know any ideas or suggestions if you cant make the meeeting on sunday. even the smallest ideas can be a driving force.
Unfortunately I can never make it to any of the meeting Friday-Sunday. If ya ever schedule meeting during the weekdays. I'll be glad to sponsor free frags to reef club member who attend the meeting.
Unfortunately I can never make it to any of the meeting Friday-Sunday. If ya ever schedule meeting during the weekdays. I'll be glad to sponsor free frags to reef club member who attend the meeting.
I will put that idea to use. thats awesome dude. thatll make em show up lol
bump for tomorrow's meeting. see ya there

quick question for those who work the weekends.....thursday or friday? 6 or 7? those that work the weekdays chime in as well so i have some input for tomorrows meeting. I truly am setting a meeting schedule for those who are truly interested
CJ, still floating coming tomorrow. It's a matter of if I can finish what I need to before the week starts (deadline). If you do have Thur/Fri meetings, I'd hope you will alternate them with weekend meetings :)
It has been put forth every third sunday of the month will be the schedule meeting time for our club, alternating with a monday every other month. So this Nov 14 at 6 we will be meeting again. As this idea takes off and those who want to be active please start posting or suggesting places to hold our meetings. A club direction will be our next topic at future meetings so please schedule accordingly and become active helping make this club active once again. We are tentatively scheduling a frag swap meet for the December meeting. Please PM in advance for availability and ideas for that special occasion. We want to make our first frag swap meet a success.