Reef Club Meetings

Thanks for hosting the meeting. Im glad I got in last minute. Good meeting everyone. The pieces I got look great, the rainbow montipora is a sweet one. Till next time!

Ps. I am still into hosting one at my place in the future, Jan or Feb?
im waiting for word from Andrew who is actively setting one up at his place. He has a few things to put in order and we will meet.
We recently did some plumbing work at the house and decided to move the 72 bow front into the wall. We can definitely host a meet up it will take a bit to finish the drywall and to finish moving some coral over from the 40breeder. It shouldn't take too long, I will keep everyone up to date.
I suppose i should probably come out of hiding. Hi everyone, I'm Nate, a long time lurker on RC. I just found the NM boards though. :D

I've been researching endlessly and started my saltwater tank a few months ago. Im so excited by all this aquarium stuff. After I saw my friends 125g mixed reef tank, I've been addicted.

I put my 75g Top Fin aquarium from Petsmart together a few months ago, with a glass-holes overflow box, 29 gallon DIY sump with a DSB/chaeto section, Urchin pro skimmer, and way too much return pump (mag-drive 9.5 that i had to slow with a ball valve.) Lots of lessons learned by trial and failure :)

So far, it's just a fowlr tank, but when the budget is passed by the home accountant, im going to make a dimmable DIY led setup.

Im glad to see there's an alive group of aquarists here in NM. I would have to give this hobby up really quickly if I had to buy too many frags at LFS price. Plus the more i learn, the more I know that I dont know much at all.
Hey everyone, just wanted to say that I have not forgotten about the meeting. I would like to host a meeting in a couple of weeks. I need to wrap up a few things first. The tank looks nice, just need to sand and paint and then we should be done. I am hoping the last week of the month would be good, what days work for everyone? I remember last time that weekends did not work.

weekends work for me....i might be able to do after work given enough time to shower like after 5 maybe name? but welcome to our land of Entrapment

My name is Greg, Im a teacher/ wedding cake maker/ cargo agent for Delta airlines. I have been reefing for 5 years and I am just now moving away from LPS and getting into SPS. The wife loves my passion for reefing but not the expense haha. I have been in RC for 4 years but never posted anything just read.