Reef Controllers?


New member
I am looking for a reef controller. I am not sure which direction to go. I will eventually have all of the goodies. My birthday is in a few weeks and my wife is asking me what I want. I told her that I wanted the reefkeeper elite.

Can anyone help guide me in the right direction as which way to go.

Is that going to be the best one out there for the money, or does anyone know of one better for the same money or less?

Please help.
IMO neptune aquacontroller is among the top and at very good prices. Their service is very respoonsive too.
I have had both the aquatronica and the reefkeeper, they are both very good, aquatronica is a more robust, expandable and adaptable controller (which I prefer) the reefkeeper is simple to operate and fairly inexpensive.
I understand that the price level in the new reefkeeper went up considerably with their new model and they are now comparable prices with the bigger guys.
My vote goes for the aquatronica.
ive heard many great things about the aquatronica, and manny and roggers tank attest to there capabilities, however i too am going to try the RKE
I have been using the Reef Keeper II for two months very easy and no problems. The new Elite looks nice but like Roger says "now comparable prices with the bigger guys" so I would research before spending on the higher end products. One nice thing about RK is that they mount flush. Here is a bad picture of mine:

Yes, I love the fact that it mounts flush too, very clean look. The aquatronica also mounts flush or on a handy bracket that comes bundle with the unit. This is mine

Sorry for the side post but could not resist...
Rogger: Is that an actual marble stand? It's great! How does the front looks like?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11947164#post11947164 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jdieck
Sorry for the side post but could not resist...
Rogger: Is that an actual marble stand? It's great! How does the front looks like?
Nope, it is a close foam material that has that travertine look, wood properties to work with but it does not rot.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11947468#post11947468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Nope, it is a close foam material that has that travertine look, wood properties to work with but it does not rot.
Thanks for the info.
I vote aquatronica. I ended up getting a controller recently, and went with the Aquatronica. I'm very happy with it, and the programming is easier and more straightforward to non-programmers (like me) than the Aquacontroller or ReefKeeper's programming.

I also liked the expandability of the Aquatronica, and that they've got so many possibilities with float sensors, ethernet interfaces, SMS modules, leak detectors, etc. It's almost insane how much expandability it has. It's as expandable as your wallet is/was :p
Oh yea, and Rogger's faux marble thing is nuts. The nicest tank stand I've seen anywhere. I can't wait until I get home again and need to stop by his place, so I get to see the tank. I keep hearing more and more good things :)