reef dip zoo? what do you use


New member
what's the best method to dip zoo's can i just use reef dip or something eles?
i heard people say a reshwater dip ? wouldnt that kill them.
any help i would be greatfull
i use revive on all my new corals and i had some zoas not looking great the other month took them out and dipped them and it has been looking great since. fwiw
I found several zoanthid colonies in my tank that had nudibranchs on them.
I setup two different dipping bowls. One with ReVive and the other with FWE at 4x the recommended dose.
I watch the nudi's pretty much explode in 10 to 15 seconds in the FWE bowl and after 2 minutes the nudi's were still moving in the ReVive bowl. I didn't wait to see how long it took, I moved that colony over to the FWE bowl and they died within seconds.
I also used FWE to treat the whole tank, twice.
A good question to ask might be what is it you are dipping for?

Good question.

The only time I've dipped is with new arrivals. Here's what I do:

1st, I put a few drops of flat worm exit in the bag tha coral came in and give it a good shake for a minute. Looks at all the flatworms swirling in the bag where none were seen before!

2nd, I remove the coral from the bag and place it in a bath of Revive mixed per the directions on the bottle and swish it around with my forceps thenlet it sit for a few minutes. I like the lemony fresh scent of Revive! Then place the coral into the aquarium.