Reef keeper lite help


Premium Member
I'm considering getting on and am wondering what all it can do. I know it has timers, temp probably and some other things. But what does it do? will it shut off things based on temp. What are the pros/cons to this unit vs others. The main pro is cost. New basic kit for $119 seems like a good deal.
It comes with 4 programmable outlets. Aside from what you mentioned it has some features like the ability to turn off the ligts and heater if temp gets high. Also it can control dosing pumps

The extra outlets and SL1 sl2 make it more expensive but allow monitoring of more items and I use the sl1 to control my auto top off.
Are all four outlets controllable ? I have a brand new jbj ato so I don't really need that feature. Can you easily turn the lights on at off timer time if someone is coming to see the tank or look at frags? Does it have the ability to kill one outlet in the event of a short while keeping the others on automatically?
All outlets are controllable to whatever sensors are connected. The best thing In my opinion is to control brs type dosing pumps, and the standby feature where you can program outlets to turn off for a programed peroid of time then they turn back on automatically allowing you to either feed the tank, clean skimmer cup, etc. the cons are that there are no controllers to date that measure ca, alk, mg. those are in my opinion the three most important levels to check and dose for.