Reef Octopus Elite 150-SSS Space Saver Super Cone Skimmer


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Reef Octopus Elite 150-SSS Space Saver Super Cone Skimmer.

I have been running this skimmer a little over two months now. My last skimmers were a AquaMaxx ConeS Q-2 and the ConeS CO-1 as reference.

The new DC Pump on the Elite 150-SSS seems to been good thus far. It is slightly more audible than the Jebao DCT-6000 (used as main pump in my set up). The controls on the VarioS-2S pinwheel pump seem to be good and similar to the Jebao pump also. I have not hooked the pump up to my Apex as of yet.

The controllable pump is to offer a “true slow startup” where the pump slowly ramps up from zero RPM to the full preset speed over the period of approximately 10 seconds. What I have found is the pump starts up to the equivalent to the lowest speed setting for a few seconds (2-3sec) when it then makes a jump to the highest setting before dropping down to the preset speed. This occurs in under 5 seconds. Not sure how this is a “true slow startup”, but then again that’s quote is subjective.

The skimmer does perform, but it does not perform any better than any other skimmer I have run in my various tanks.

What I have noticed is that this skimmer is the loudest component under my stand. WOW, side by side with the AquaMaxx Q-2, you could hear this things bubble gurgle over the pump on the Q-2. I went back and forth with Jeremy from CoralVue on this. He has stated that “the sound is caused by the way water and air is handled in the volute itself. The draw and even water movement changes within the volute. Water that would normally stay within the volute now slosh with water due to the way the water is moving with the air within the volute. A good bacteria coat on the surface of all parts help remedy a good portion of that you hear. The silencer should do the rest” (word for word).

I get it. But the skimmer did not make this bubble gurgling noise during the first month of its operation. I cleaned it 3 weeks ago and the noise is still there despite a good film on the inside of the skimmer and the collection cup 1/3 full.

I questioned Jeremy about this and his reply is what does the sound have to do with the performance of the skimmer? Interesting it his statement I gave him my phone number and asked him to call me. I never heard from him.
I purchased this skimmer with the hope that the skimmer would be less audible than the Q-2. With the Q-2 you get the low hum of the pump but with silent operation beyond that. With the Elite 150-SSS you get a DC pump that is hardly audible but a volute that is loud.

Anyone that can offer any ideas on making the volute on this Elite 150-SSS a little bit better, I would appreciate the help. Otherwise I am about ready to throw in the towel on this skimmer and go back to AquaMaxx. I can always put a DC pump on a AquaMaxx.