Reef Octopus Programable Power Strip - Great Product

Dexters Reef

New member
For years I have been looking for a power strip with multiple built in timers. The only ones out there I have found are the corallife digital and dual analog ones. I bought the analog one, and in less than a year, the timers died. Read up, this happens to almost everyone.

Randomly searching a few months ago, I found this on ebay:

Seller was from Hong Kong, googling found very little info. Decided to bite the bullet and order it. Turns out, its exactly what I have been looking for.

There are 6 outlets, and 1 is constant power, the other 5 are programable with the built in digital timer. Each outlet can have 6 on/off points programmed with as small as 1 minute increments. The unit runs in military time, and you simply tell it what times you want each outlet to come on, and what times to turn them off.

When I got the unit, to my surprise, it is branded "Reef Octopus" on the power strip!

I have the following outlets assigned:

1) LED Moonlights - On in the evening, off in the morning
2) T5HO - Come on in the morning, off in the evening
3) Left MH - Come on 3 hours after T5, Off 3 hours before T5
4) Right MH - Comes on 1 hour after Left MH, goes off 1 Hour after left MH
5) Fans for Light Fixture - Comes on 1 hour before Left MH, goes off 1 Hour after right MH
6) Refugium light is on constant power, I manually turn the light on before bed, and turn it off before I leave for work.

This unit has worked great for me, and has a built in battery backup. I have had a power outage, and found that while the battery retains the outlet schedules, it does not retain the time for the built in clock. Not the worst thing in the world, after a power outage I simply set the clock, instead of setting 5 outlets schedules.

There is also a button that overrides the schedule and will turn all outlets on, or all outlets off. Its also digital, so you dont have to worry about mechanical failures or stuff (salt creep, dust, dirt) jamming it.

If you break down the cost of this, vs the cost of 5 timers, plus the outlet extenders (since you can not place timers next to each other on a surge protector) its a no brainer.

Here is a link to it on CoralVues website
Hmmm $50 bucks...looks pretty "usable"...
OTOH one could shell out another $60 and get a RKL with the above functionality plus a lot more....,

But certainly for the price and most peoples tanks, that looks like a good product
My coralife strip lasted 3 years, probably would of lasted longer if the skimmer hadn't of overflowed onto it.
I do agree with the above poster, that or a used setup.
I do like the plug layout on that strip, however only 6 settings per day isnt to good for wavemaking. But for lighting it would work.
Hummm Dexter... Where are you??

That would not work for us here in the US... hahaha...


Wait... after posting this... Is that a combo outlet??
It is a combo outlet. Reef Octopus makes a single outlet strip, and the power cord is detachable / replaceable. They make multiple power cords for different countries, but only two base power strips...a 110 and 220v versions. The seller told me based on your shipping address he will send one with the correct power cord and voltage for your country.
That is cool and certainly less money, but it doesnt give individual outlet control. You can have up to 7 programmed on/off actions, but it affects 4 outlets at once.

I really wanted a sunrise/sunset effect and dont have a dimmable fixture, so the Reef Octopus let me program that and automate it for me.

yea, i do wish that i could control each individual outlet..
I got an Neptune Apex last week with 3x 8-socket power strips... So I will now have all the ability I need. I got a few other modules too including diming modules.
The reef octopus is exactly what ive been looking for! Just wanted to let people know the first 2 links dont really work. If you just type in reef octopus programmable timer into google you'll find it. A little higher price though**
Anyways, thanks Dexters Reef for the review!
I just got a reef octopus timer and it cant handle my 3 250W MH. Trips every time I plug them in. Only 10 amp and good for light duty only. Need to return it.