Reef of Riches! 6pm on Discovery HD

Speckled Grouper

Sticks Suck!
Today is "Equator" day on Discovery HD. The best one of them all is Reef of Riches coming on at 6pm. Set your TIVO's! You won't regret it.
aww, discovery hd and discovery arent the same programming?


i shouldnt be alive is on reg discovery now
Rogger, you are long overdue for your satellite.......:D

Jayme, no, Discovery HD is not the same as regular Discovery, you have to subscribe to it in a separate High Definition Package.

The show is on right now and it is awesome!
thanks, Speckled Grouper for posting i didn't know Discovery HD had these series.

I also missed it, but i search and found they have two more shows with different titles in the next few days.
The first is:

network: Discovery HD Theater
series: The Blue Realm

episode: Miracle Venom
rating: g | cc

The waters of Papua New Guinea and Australia's Great Barrier Reef are among the richest on earth, harboring a variety of venomous fish and invertebrates. ...

TIME: Nov 27 @ 3:00PM

the second show i found is:

network: Discovery HD Theater
series: Predators of the Great Barrier Reef

episode: Predators of the Great Barrier Reef
rating: g | cc

Millions of coral-eating Crown of Thorns starfish are consuming the Great Barrier Reef.

airing: â€" NOV 29 2006 @ 08:00 AM

i have set Comcast DVR (like Tivo) to record since both times are during work hours.
I have both of them recorded and they are great aswell! I put keywords like reef, coral, etc. in my wishlist and it grabs them automatically.
yeah blue planet is every wensday at 8pm on animal planet, but i ALWAYS miss it becuase i am at work at that time. I love that show, I'm too poor for Tivo or HD.
Wow, I watched this and was blown away! Typically, I will watch shows and they show a couple quick shots of reefs but this show was just choked full of visuals. Definately worth checking out the next time it plays if you missed it.

John C.
If you guys have comcast, go check to see if it's in the On Demand section. Usually HD specials from Discovery HD are stored there and you can watch them anytime.

I'm going to check when I get home. I just got a 42" HD Plasma, and I get my comcast HD cable on tuesday, so I hope its on demand so I can see it.