Reef safe HomeDepot/Lowe's Ceramic tiles?


New member
Ran out of frag plugs for my corals and wanted to see if anyone can link me to a reef safe Ceramic tile from HomeDepot or Lowe's that I can just pick up and use for my tank without the whole 2-3 months curing process.

Sorry this is my first time using them and I have no idea what is safe. I would prefer something I can pick up at the stores today if possible. Please link any product you recommend. Thanks looking to pick it up ASAP so any links to the item would be great.
I've been using uncoated travertine tiles from HD for several years. They come in several sizes, conveniently arranged on a 12x12 mesh. Just peel them off as needed. depending on the size you want, you'll get from ~60 - 140 for $10.99 or so. I find them especially good for anything that encrusts, and they'd be perfect for zoas as well.
Is there a link to what they are at Home Depot so that I can find them much easier then guessing? Thanks

Also do they need to be cured or are they ready to go after peeling and cleaning off the glue on the back? And will they mess with water chemistry in the long run?
I've used tumbled marble from lowes, not sure if it's the same as travertine, for years.

The 1" x 1" tiles also make great spacers for sump baffles.
Solid tiles shouldn't be an issue in a basic environment like a reef tank. I've used marble personally that was on sale.
They also have 4 inch travertine tiles. I thought of siliconing these to the back of my next tank to give the encrusters something to attach to.