reef safe super glue gel??

I like the little tubes - use it and throw it away!

(Plus I don't use it that often - just keep several tubes on hand)
my problem is not glueing the frag to the small piece of rock because you can do it outside of the tank. the problem is getting the rubble the frags on glued to a big rock that cant be taken out easily. ive used loctite, epoxy sticks, its all terrible. the slightest bump sends the frag tumbling again.
I usually find the little tubes in a 2 pak at the dollar stores.

works great for the little jobs or the must glue in tank jobs. I know before you say it don;t glue in the tank but I sometimes must. Besides I was doing it forever before I got told you were not suppose to. No problems yet.
So I went back to the hobby store and the guy would not take back the wrong glue because it was opened. I told him that I needed the kind that was thick and that the employee that helped me sold me the wrong kind. He said that the purple bottle is thick. Anyway after that there was some credit card being flung at me and then me pushing the guy and then me running like a bat out of hell. Lol! Just wasnt right that the punk kid who originally sold me the wrong glue messed up, but somehow its my fault and because I used a tiny bit of the glue only to find out that it was super liquidy and nearly killed a frag I should have to pay for a new bottle of the right stuff.
Oh well it wasnt like the gel I am used to from the super glue gel.

I should have tested it before using it. The coral seems to be okay though.
And thats the bottom line...that you didn't lose any critters ;) It still amazes me that super glues don't have any observed negative effects on aquatic animal. I know how bad the vapor burns my eyes!!! I wonder if the fish feel that??? I'm sure their eye structure is different with the cornea and such, but it would be cool to know.
On a live coral I would cut the coral around the glue. The glue will NOT debond with any ease if you try to pull it off. It would rip the tissue and damage the coral. If its' a stony then I'd saw it off around the glue. Either way the glue will be abandoned on the PVC. You could probably break the glue off a rock after the coral was removed.

There is a product called CA debonder which debonds super glues. But you really have to work at it and it isn't a clean disolving solvent. Plus i don't know if it would harm the corals. I would recommend NOT going down that path.
