Reef Tank of the Month - May 2002


Reefkeeping Ninja
Premium Member
This month Reefkeeping Online is featuring Bob Nell's awesome reef tank.

Click here to check it out!


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holy schmoly!!!!

i just gottasee a full tank shot!!
absolutley stunning!!
seeing an accomplished reefer with an established tank like that certainlyinspires and motivates a reefer like me who has recently gone through a major sps crash. you've certainly rid any thoughts of abandoning this hobby from my mind!
keep up the great work!
Looks great Bob! :thumbsup: I was wondering if you had used the scrubbers and saw a need for the skimmer or if the skimmer was in place from the start?
Now that is a beautiful tank. Look very very healthy. Good job.

But no full tank shot or equipment shots? Someone needs to show me more.
Congratulations, Bob!

I've seen this tank in person, and was simply amazed.

The coral growth is excellent and the fish are awesome.

Someday, I hope to have a tank as big as this one!


Is there a site that we can look at pictures bigger than the thumbnail images in the magazine?


Congrats! Great looking reef...

Got any pictures of the complete setup? ... I'd love to see how it looks in the center of the room. wife is going to get rid of our pool table... I wonder if she'd go for this as a replacement???
come'on honey...all the guys are getting 500 gallon reef tanks to replace their pool table


rbaker said:
Is there a site that we can look at pictures bigger than the thumbnail images in the magazine?

Just click on a thumbnail and it will open a new window with a full size pic.
Beautiful pics!! I am planning a tank similar to yours in size...48x84x28....would you do your circulation differently if you had to do it again?


:bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce1: :bounce1: :bounce3: :bounce3: :dance: :dance: :beer: :beer: :clown: :clown:
Congrats Bob!

I have also seen Bob's tank in person, and it really is a jaw dropper!

The growth rates and "lushness" of this tank really have to be seen to be believed.

BTW, the birds nest (Seriatapora Hystrix) that someone asked about is growing that way because it is directly under the "surge" produced by the scrubbers.

Congrats again Bob, a well deserved honor.

Yes, great tank! So are you using a chiller for temperature regulation? And how do you get the orp that high without an ozonizer? (didn't see a mention of it on your page)
Most Impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most Impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:thumbsup: Now that is nice!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about a genetic bank.
Being a fragging fanatic, I see so many new colonies that can be created from such a selection of species.:dance:
If I may speak for Bob a little in the meantime, I'll answer some of the curious questions posted.

Bob is a great friend of PMASI and that lovely Seriatopora as Adam has mentioned is indeed thus shaped/formed having grown directly under a dump bucket... what a magnificent coral. It has impressed many aquarists and has graced the cover of at least one book that I know of ;)

Maury, Bob has long considered using a chiller but has until now opted for climate controlling the room. In addition to the airconditioning for the house, he has a large dedicated (free-standing) heat exchanger/air conditioner next to the tank for ambient temperature control. I believe this was done with regard for energy efficiency as there are several other displays in the room and multiple chillers would have been a plumbing nightmare not to mention expense.

Geo, et al... Bob has used small scrubbers on his displays for many years but has also placed strong emphahsis on skimmers. On this magnificent display, Bob runs two large Euroreef skimmers and tells us that they produce daily and impressively. I must admit that they are one of the best skimmers in my opinion for those inclined to use a skimmer.

Indeed... an incredible tank. Bob has been very gracious to all of those who have visited our club for many years. We are very appreciative to have such a good friend and magnificent display in Pittburgh. A world class guy and tank! Kudos to you, Bob!