Reefer 350 Journal


New member
Well here is my new adventure, wanted to make a tank journal so I can track my progress. Thank you to Jeff at cuttlefish for the reefer package!


Reefer 350 Deluxe in White
2x Hydra HD 26
Nyos Quantum 160 Skimmer
Finnex 500w Titainium Heater
Apex Neptune System
Tunze 3155 ATO
Maxxspec Gyre f230
Ro/Di Unit
MarinePure BioBlock
Fritz Pro Salt

I'm not a huge fan of a bunch of rock in the tank, so hopefully I don't have to many problems with less rock than normal.

So far the tank has been up and running for about a week, no leaks so far. The Wiring is still a disaster, I'll clean it up eventually. Using Dry rock from reef cleaners, tropic eden mesoflakes and seeding the tank with a couple small live rocks and microbacter7

I just added salt to my first saltwater tank and guess what also a red sea 350. But black stand here. I found exactly what I was looking for, inspiration and ideas for aquascape. Same here, want just a few rocks, a clean look. I think most people are going on this route today, right?
Anyway, I have a few rocks here and did not find a nice rockscape. But looking to your tank, I think I may be able to copy some of that lol
Hopefully by tomorrow the salinity, the biology starter, heater... all will be installed and running.
I soaked the rocks on HCL then chlorine. But want to make sure there is no chlorine there before take them in. So left the rocks under the sun. Pretty much dry clean rocks idk why I bleached them actually. Waste of time. And my glass is covered in dust from the bahamas oolite sand. I know what I should have done to not have this issue, but I was concerned about trowing that dirt water from the sand away and wasting the biology. BS should have done what I do in fresh, just dumped the first 2 buckets.