reefers are you cooking your rock, how do you take care of your liveROCK?

Putting LR in there is ok...Of course they want you to buy all LR there since It is like what $7-9 lb..The more live rock you have your new tank will cycle and establish faster..The downside is that you may get pests inverts like coral eating crabs,coral eating nudibrachs, aiptasia and down right bad algae ...Cooking rock is usually putting Lr in freshwater like Gomer said or flat out letting the LR dry out and making sure most or all of these pests are dead before putting them in ur tank..You do not want want to put this rock in your display because if you killed it when you put it back in water the die off will give ammonia spikes and could kill your tank..placing it in a tub of fw or sw is fine until no die off (ie ammonia,nitrite)..starting off with clean base rock is great because you know what is on the rock ..Nothing!! just calcium carbonate...Most stores sell base rock much cheaper and Marcos rocks does this online..ANY rock placed in a tank will eventually become alive (microflora,bacterially)and grow coraline algae(purple rock)..SO yo do have options..You do not have to follow a prescribed method for keeping SW(exact LFS advice believe me when I started I was told MH would kill my coral , and adjusting /testing my diy ca. reactor was nonsense, and OZONE will burn down you house and may kill you if you breath it!!.you would not believe who told me all this!!)..Review RC you can spend an eternity on here believe me you will probably save time and $..If you need any questions answered on here you have many people with many years of experience willing give you mixed answers that generally follow the same consensus
+1 with Reign
LR Cooking isnt putting it in the oven, though it would work but make sure you severely rinse it as the die off will start a cycle in your stabilized tank. But the actual process is actually placing the Rock in a tub with SW, a heater, and a powerhead. Its really more of a QT/Recharge idea. this is done at months at a time. the LR in the cooking process is in the dark allowing algae, pests, and other things on the rock to die off and feed the bacteria that is in it. once a week u take that rock outta the tub and rinse it off so all detritus falls off it and is replaced in a new sw tub to continue the process so at the end of the months of darkness the pests, algae die and what u get is a clean, bacteria populated LR to have in your display tank. The rock tanks at SWR is sorta set up like that but if they just got a shipment of rock chances are all the stuff is still on it and migrate to the other rocks. They should just cover the sell tub and have another tub separate for the new stuff that comes in.
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How I did my last cycle when I had junk rock and some base rock to seed:

I like to cure LR in 15 or 20g brutes. Put a pump at the bottom with a hose on it that reaches over the top. Cure with FW for a week or so to kill all SW stuff, then pump out. Then add SW. If you currently have a tank, just put in your old WC water. Every week when you do a new WC on your pump out a part of the water and replace with old WC water. This will accelerate the cycling vs raw isolated cycling.
NO one should be buying LR"¦ it's a waste plus its pulled out of your ocean and that's not good.
I make my own LR and has worked perfect for me (k-fed, Regin, myself and a few others basically the CORAL CRWE have worked hard to perfect the process) when you come on sat. I will give you sum.. in the meantime, I would pull that Rock and cook it that way you will have a clean start"¦ like the others said ask questions"¦

SW(exact LFS advice believe me when I started I was told MH would kill my coral , and adjusting /testing my diy ca. reactor was nonsense, and OZONE will burn down you house and may kill you if you breath it!!.you would not believe who told me all this!!)..Review RC you can spend an eternity on here believe me you will probably save time and $..If you need any questions answered on here you have many people with many years of experience willing give you mixed answers that generally follow the same consensus

Hilarious I know who told you that crazy stuff.LOL and you all know him. ahahah
NO one should be buying LR"¦ it's a waste plus its pulled out of your ocean and that's not good.
I make my own LR and has worked perfect for me (k-fed, Regin, myself and a few others basically the CORAL CRWE have worked hard to perfect the process) when you come on sat. I will give you sum.. in the meantime, I would pull that Rock and cook it that way you will have a clean start"¦ like the others said ask questions"¦

Hilarious I know who told you that crazy stuff.LOL and you all know him. ahahah
I fully agree with ya dude and will see u guys on saturday. i cant wait to see n hear more about this rock you make. besides the practicing low impact to no impact reefing i like the look of lava better then figi rock most of the time.
Ozone will kill all your pets and maybe even you HAHAHAHA I remember that!!!
Should we say who said this stuff???
Ozone: It can do amazingly good and amazingly bad things :) If you can smell it, DANGER! Interestingly with exposer, comes increased desensitization to being able to smell it. If you really want to get into an ozone discussion, just ask away :P
I was really confused. HELP!!!!

Most important advice I can give you is pick somebody whose advice you believe in, or who has a tank you want to emulate. Primarily follow their advice and nobody elses. The only time you deviate is when you've done lots of reading and understand why you chose a different route.

If you are confused then you are listening to too many voices. There are a lot of successful ways to build a reef tank, but they are not all compatible. Most of what we think we know about reef tanks is empirical and not established fact.

Good luck and enjoy the bumpy ride.
Good advice unfortunately if your only listening to LFS and dude is a newbie him/herself or interested in $$ you will buy crap equipment get bad advice or end up with a freedom filter!!
"There are a lot of successful ways to build a reef tank, but they are not all compatible. Most of what we think we know about reef tanks is empirical and not established fact."
True I agree to some degree although what we know about setting up a "closed" reef does follow the same basic ideologies and methods..It does deviate here of course but we are still using berlin-esk, foam fractionating , chem filtering principles..We are not remaking the wheel just refining it with technology..That is what has changed the most in the last 10-20 yrs..
I am totally done with SWRC and all the other fish stores here. I know that I am new and probably haven’t spent as much time or not near enough money there as you veterans have. I am soooooo thankful that I found this website otherwise I would be lost. When I was at SW it seemed like they had all the best products and livestock and knowledge. Now that I have been on this website I now know better. Hope you guys don’t mind me posting newby questions and probably listening to Gomer, Reign, and Seesick. Maybe Puffin as well. Girl Power!
awe man noone wants to listen to my advice....i feel left out dangit. oh well this way my lil world bubble cant be busted roflmao.
Although live rock is the best just like getting your fish straight from the ocean but the u will experience the side affect. I wouldnt go out and buy live rock at all. Buy some calcium rock or make your own. Curing your tank will come in time. When dealing with your reef you don't want to rush anything. God has spoken
Although live rock is the best just like getting your fish straight from the ocean but the u will experience the side affect.
Do you happen to have a source on this? Anecdotal information and personal experience has told me otherwise. If you have a study you can cite, I'd be interested in reading it.
besides the bad HH pests, the cultivating of our oceans and disturbing nature, i dont see a side effect that is detrimental to our tanks that also happens from buying from home cultivating tanks.
I'm a big fan of dry or man-made rock and seeding. If you just get a small bacteria seeding, and then slowly add frags, you'll get tons of diversity.
I am totally done with SWRC. Now that I have been on this website I now know better. Hope you guys don't mind me posting newby questions and probably listening to Gomer, Reign, and Seesick. Maybe Puffin as well. Girl Power!

YES I made the top THREE tanks MYlove eeeeerrrrr WONlove I will not lead you wrong"¦.JFF