Reefer's Dream For Sale


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm seriously considering hanging up the cleats, as I might have to be on the move a bunch towards the end of this summer. Any who, I've made a list of most everything and what I'd sell it for. For those of you that don't know, I have a full blown 300DD Reef Tank that is packed to the gills. It hasn't been neglected, I have and will keep up with it, and everything is growing like crazy.

This is a reefer's dream, plug and play with a few years of upgrades after figuring everything out. I built this tank up with the help of John and Chris at FAOIS, and you know how exacting those two are.

That being said, I'm going to wait until I find a buyer for all of it, or at least one for the livestock and one for the equipment. If it doesn't work out, I'll just keep it going for the foreseeable future, it'll only grow in value ;)

Also, this is going to be a growing list as I find all of the fun stuff I've purchased over the years.

Feel free to make a reasonable offer, but keep in mind, I could sell the dry goods for 8k alone

Item (Prices for Used)
3x Radion G3 Pro w/wide angle lenses 1500
1x Reef Link 100
2x MP-60 1000
2x MP-40 350
1x Full Apex 475
2x Reeflo Dart 350
1x Tunze Osmolator 120
1x Korallin C4002 calcium reactor 450
1x 10 pound CO2 tank 75
1x Milwaukee CO2 regulator 75
1x GEO Kalkwasser Reactor 250
1x Reef Dynamics BPR-500 bio pellet reactor 300
2x large two fishes reactors 80
1x large vertex reactor 50
2x LED (bulb type) refugium lights* 30
2x 250 watt heaters 50
2x 150 watt heaters 40
1x Reef Octopus Diablo DCS-250 protein skimmer 450
1x Reef Octopus skimmer replacement pump 200
2x 2x36watt T-5 fixtures 100
4x T-5 fixtures (up to 4x48" fixture) 85
1x 300DD tank (72"x36"x27") 1000
1x wood stand 250
1x 20 gallon quarantine aquarium w/stand, etc 75
1x 2x35 gallon water change station w/wood stand 250
1x 5 stage RODI 100
1x large frag rack 10
1x nitrate test (100 dollar kind) 30
1x Hanna Phosphate meter w/reagents 30
1x refractometer 25
1x alk test kit 10
1x Magnavore 6ER 70
2x Water Change Barrels 35 Gallon 40
1x Ehiem Utility Pump 30
1x Marineland Utility Pump 30
75 Gallon Sump With 4 Sections 100
Esv Kalkwasser 20
30+ Filter Socks 50
20lbs Carib Sea Extra Coarse Calcium Reactor Media 30
Ecotech Battery Backup 75
Wireless Bridge for Apex 40
1x calc test kit 10
Total 8405

Item Cost
Live Sand 100 Pounds 150
300 Pounds Live Rock 600
Red Dragon Colony 400
Red planet colony 1 200
Red planet colony 2 100
Raspberry Limeade Colony 300
Hyacinth Birdsnest Colony 150
Bird of Paradise Colony 200
ORA Green Birdsnest Colony 200
Blue Red Milli Colony 150
Blue Milli Colony 150
ORA Oregon Tort Branching 150
Cali Tort Branching 75
Orange Fuzzy Monti (softball sized) 75
Pagoda Cup (large) 125
Green Trachy 60
Cornuts Loripes Colony 300
Green Slimer Colony 300
Forest Fire Digi Colony 150
ORA Miami Orchid Colony 150
Garf Bonzai (Huge) 500
Australiamussa 150
Neon Green Toadstool (Massive) 500
Incredible Hulk Colony 75
Blue Loki Colony 150
ORA Frogskin Colony 150
Idaho Grape Colony 75
Red Monti Colony 50
ORA Shortcake 75
ORA Hawkins Echinata 100
Ricordea Garden (Variety) 150
Ricordea Garden (Green) (Huge) 100
Purple Stylo Colony 100
Sunset Milli Colony 150
Rose Milli Colony 100
Pink Birdsnest 40
Blasto/Zoa Rock 50
ORA Green Planet 75
100 Plus Head Utter Chaos 500
300 Plus Head Armor of the Gods 150
300 Plus Head Wild Fire and Ice Zoa 100
Chalice Collection (6+) 50
Random Named Frags/Mini Colonies of SPS 20+ 750
Total 8125

8 Inch Squamosa 300
6 inch Maxima (ultra) 150
3 inch Maxima (tron) 75
3 inch Maxima (spotted) 75
6 Inch Derasa Clam 75
Total 675

3x Frostbite Flurry Clownfish 350
LG Magnificent Foxface 100
LG Female Lyre Tail Angel 60
LG Purple Tang 250
M Male Blue Throat Trigger 80
XL Fowelri Tang 300
9x LG Blue Chromis 20
MD Kole Tang 25
LG Ornate Leopard Wrasse 50
LG Christmas Wrasse 50
SM Vlamingi Tang 25
MD Naso Tang 30
MD Orange Shoulder Tang 25
LG Solar Wrasse 30
2x Bonded Ocellaris 20
LG Starry Blenny 20
Total 1435

Equipment 8405
Coral 8125
Clams 675
Fish 1435
Total 18640
Sounds like you really put a lot of time and effort into your tank. It would be very cool to see photos if you have them of the tank start to finish. Maybe we will see a new build from you once you settle into wherever life takes you next.
Definitely an impressive tank, saw it awhile back, I'm sure it's even more impressive now. Best of luch whichever way you go man.