reefing in hawaii?


New member
I may be moving out to hawaii for a job maui specifically and i think i heard that it was illegal to have a reef out there is that true?
lol yea i guess instead of spending money on my tank ill just buy some diving equipment and have a very large reef!!!
Was in Maui this summer and visited a local salt water fish store. I went right in off the street, so I figure they are legal.
selling coral in hawaii is illegal. saltwater fish is ok though. Looks like you can go fish only. I just found this out myself. You can get some amazing fish in hawaii for much, much cheaper prices.

Mystery wrasses for $80 in hawaii!!!
I think you can have softies when I was there i was talking to a employee at the waikiki aquarium and he said you can coollec t localy soft corals but no rock or hard corals. hard corals are ilegal to have.
A lot of this is not true. Hobbyist collecting IS legal, and many do it, you just have to familiarize yourself with the laws and environmental issues. For some, you will need to get a collector's permit, but not for everything.

Please read this thread in the Responsible Reefkeeping forum:

It has a lot of great info on the hobby in Hawaii and thehedge gives good tips on what to collect and where.
Hawaii is very serious about non native species introduction and conservation of local species...

I would think twice about moving permanently to Hawaii... I was stationed there in the Navy for 4 years... was great for the first year to 18 months then got kind of old... everything is alot more expensive there, nothing to do except tourist type stuff and gets old... if you are an outdoor type person and like to hike, swim, scuba, kayak, windsurf, sail, etc then you will likely love it....

Really depends on the person...

Helps if you have alot of money...
Because of the restrictions on corals, FOWLERs are quite popular there. I have not heard that selling LR is illegal there.
That would be news to me and the only reason I could think of for this would be that they don't want any harmful species to get introduced into the reefs.

I'm heading out to Maui next week. I've thought about moving there but my GF thinks she would get bored. :rolleye1:
you need a special permit to sell live rock. It is ugly and dense, but alive. I think Coral Fish Hawaii on Oahu is one of the few places that does.

ANY type of stony coral is illegal and many inverts as well. You need a collecting permit no matter what to take fish (legally)
If you go to DAR website, they have a list of what you can take and what you can't. There are also size restrictions on some fish. (i.e. convict tangs have to be 5" or bigger)

But you can get fish very cheap there that are native to Hawaii.
And mauai is the place to be!
i would love to move to hawaii for a few years to dive, but like someone else in the thread said, i think it would get old after a while. Anyway though, yeah just go diving to look at the reef and get a FOWLR tank in the house.
i will only be going for like 2 years probably so i doubt i will be getting sick of it. also i heard that it is not too expensive to live there any more as far as food and stuff goes. the realestate is of course expensive though. thanks for the info though guys looks like i may just have a nano and thats it. which is fine for me!!!