

New member
If you've never owned an aquarium controller and like me just thought they were an expensive toy that wasn't really all that worthwhile I'm here to tell you that they can be a tank saver.
Yesterday I was at work and I got a text from my controller that my heat was rising above 82 degrees.I called home and got my son to unplug the heater which had apparently malfunctioned and was on its way towards cooking the tank ! I could have also disabled the heater from work using the My Reef software over the internet but I wanted to be sure I had done it.
Ive only had the controller for about three weeks but it just saved my entire livestock investment.
Not to mention how nice it is not to have to rely on mechanical timers anymore or turning off all my pumps manually at feeding time . This purchase might be the best reef investment Ive made since starting the tank.
how much do want for yours Daniel??

oops nevermind just read your thread where its sold.
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