ReefLife fragstravaganza???


New member
I'm trying to find out if ReefLife is still doing the Wednesday night fragstravaganza?

I already saw the last thread from Dec. and the tragic outcome so there's no need to discuss that or for anyone to start flaming Pat in this thread.
I just want to know if it's going to be worth taking a drive down to Dania tonight to pick up some frags.
Hey mang, good to see you.
I've been living the ancient Chinese curse of "May you have an interesting life."

Waaaaay too many website projects, waaaay too many house repairs, waaaay too much family visiting/staying, and waaaaay too many friends who have fallen on hard times and needed our financial assistance.
Basically I've been too busy and too broke to really enjoy the hobby or all of your smiling faces.

Maybe I'll be able to start going to meetings again if I we can get some of our backlog of websites finished.
Until then I thought I'd try to sneak off to Pat's tonight while the wife is in church.
Does anyone know if he's still open and doing the frags?
His website is down and the old phone # I have is no good.
I have stopped by their 6 times since Christmas and it has had a closed sign up everytime during his normal business hours.


I was there this past weekend (Sunday) and he was open, had some nice corals, and I got ahold of some snails and a hermit.
Hey Ludwig,
That's good to hear.
So do you know if he's still doing the frag thing on wednesdays?
It's probably too late now for me to get down there tonight, but I'll definitely plan the trip for next wed. if it's still on.

Anyone else here know the score?
I see 67 people have viewed this thread, but only 3 diehard FMAS'ers have responded???
Well, that's part of the problem. Not many people are going to see him, and he's hurting in that new location. At least stop by and show him a little support... I'd hate to see another LFS go under. He's got some really nice corals.
Yea I think the problem with FMASers going there, is that when they are there, he isn't (see Ding2thedong's post above).

I'm a big fan of Pats, and too would hate to see him go under, but I live far away, so unless I know the hours, or at least a phone number to call and ask the numbers, I'm not interested in making the drive.
i dont mind stopping by and maybe picking up a few things, but im not gonna drive all the way over there if hes gonna be closed during reg bus hours.
Where is it you guy's are talking about is it a secret location? If he needs support he better get his address and hours out there. I'm on the road and can stop in and get numbers and hours, but need an address
I was there a couple of weeks ago and picked up some nice frags.

Onefin, is the kitten a Bengal? I have a two year old and they love the tank.
Anyone who gets to go sometime soon, should get the info and post it. Store hours, address and phone numbers have been posted before, without a problem.
At the very least put the current correct info could be put on the LFS spreadsheet.
Searching back thru all the previous threads I just found the following:

Amazing Reef Life
105 S Federal Highway
Suite 3
Dania Beach, FL 33004
(It's in a little strip of stores across the highway from Jaxson's Ice Cream Parlor)

I haven't been yet so I'm just repeating what's been posted before.
Ok, has anybody talked to Pat?
Is there a fragstravaganza going on tonight?
I don't want to drive all the way down there in the rain just to find out he's not open.
I tried calling the phone # listed on that post and it's been disconnected.

Bueller, Bueller, Anyone, Anyone...?