Reeflux 250s 10Ks over 90 reef-Anyone getting good coral color?


New member
Anyone using these and getting great color from their SPS? I switched to these from XM10ks. I really like the look without actinics. Just a touch more blue than the XMs. I do keep some LPS and I really think the XMs were a bit much for them even low in the tank so I tried the Reeflux 10ks.

My question is will the corals really color up under these bulbs? I have used them only for a few weeks now so they are just now buring in (one had to be replaced so it is still burning in). My growth is still really good but wonder how long it would take to see a differnce in color if I am going to?


i wouldn't expect any drastic changes from bulbs alone, if colors are what you are after you might want to check out the 12ks. what type of ballasts are you running them on? that has a lot to do with what color the bulb burns at.
I have PFO standard balasts. The bulbs burn a nice white with a touch of blue but don't appear as bringht as my old XMs.


I have standard PFO ballasts and recently switched out my 10K XMs for 10K reeflux... I am seeing much improvement in color after only a few weeks.
I have one large acro colony that browned out when I moved it to the new tank. It has started to get blue on the tips but not what it used to be. I will give it some more time.

My old 75 gallon tank had the XMs very close to the water. When I moved to the 90 with the taller canope my corals began to color up nicely. I then changed the bulbs (as XMs were over 1 year old) and I think my colors may be getting more vivid but still to soon to say for sure.

