
Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
I have an un-used $20 gift certificate from ReefScience welcome to the first person that PM's me.

Here's the rub:
You have to have a large enough order to off-set the onerous (I'm sorry. Did I editorialize and type that out load?) "¦you have to have a large enough order to off-set the mandatory $53 Shipping Charge. (That's right... $53.)

If you can find a way to make it work, you're welcome to it.
Wow, that gift certificate is getting around. I won it two years ago, and donated it last year. You won it last year and can donate it this year. The gift that keeps on giving.... lol
(White elephant!)

I'm not being critical but.... I'm just trying to understand the value.

It works, if you have a large order.