ReefStock 2010

Nikki and I went to Denver last weekend for a little vacation and made it to the ReefStock event at the Denver Aquarium. Only took 6 hours from our house to the hotel, not bad. I've never been to anything like this, so didn't know what to expect. I was hoping there would be a few acan lord frags. There were TONS! We showed up a little before 10am and they handed out a bag of goodies while people waited. There were a lot of people there. I think they said 300-400 people showed up. We went straight for the frag tanks and they probably had 1000 acan lord frags, in addition to a ton of others like clams, zoas, SPS, scolys. I think we ended up getting about 15 pieces. Mostly acan lords, but a few favias and a scoly. I'll post some pics later.

They had a raffle and a bunch of vendors there and got to see some of the new equipment in person. They had the new LIFI plasma lights, the Icecap LED tubes, and a bunch of other LED units on nano tanks. Lots of stuff going on! We hung around for about 2 hours, then went to lunch across the street, and came back for the aquarium. They had a nice lagoon display and a really nice 3-panel concave reef display towards the end (I'll post a video later). Rich Ross and the other guys were kind of going through it at the same time as us, so we got to overhear them talking about the exhibits.

We hit some of the fish stores there. The best one we visited was Aquamart. They had a lot of nice corals, a nice display tank, and used/sold higher end equipment.
Re: ReefStock 2010

Nice video! Sounds like the trip was worth it (although what you came home to wasn't too cool).
How did you transport your frags home? Last time I was in Denver, I just put everything in big bags , then into a styro. Everything made it fine. How long were your frags in the transport bags?
How did you transport your frags home? Last time I was in Denver, I just put everything in big bags , then into a styro. Everything made it fine. How long were your frags in the transport bags?

I just put all the individual bags in a styrofoam box as soon as we left the event and put them in the hotel room with us overnight. They were in transport for about 30 hours.