Refugium - DSB - detritus


New member
Does anyone clean out their refuigum. I've noticed a small layer of crud about 1/4" thick and wanted to know what others are doing. Its been running for about 3 years now and its full of life. I'm worried that if I siphon any of it, it will end up stirring to much of the DSB. I aslo don't want to replace all of the sand because I think I will lose most of my critters. I will be upgrading in a few months and expanding the refugium section, I plan on just pulling out the baffle and add in more sand. I could just try to siphon only the top layer. Is this the way to go?
Sounds like you need to clean it out. Are you not having any luck with the life in your sand bed processing it?
Some people clean out their Refug with a pump connected to a hose and just pull out the top layer.
thanks - i guess the life in the sand bed can't keep up. Should the critters be able to keep it eniterly clean? I've never bought a critter pack and mostly have worms and pods in there. Not that much diversity.